votes are in for the MARTIN LYSICRATES PRIZE

Claire Pullen, CEO of the Australian Writers’ Guild (right). What a powerhouse!

Voting urns. Links to the Dionysian Festival in Ancient Greece where plays are pitted against one another and the audience vote.

From the left: Dr Patricia Azarias, Me, Brendan Hogan, Her Excellency Mrs Linday Hurley and The Governor General of Australia, David Hurley.

Martin Lysicrates 2022, Highlights Reel

This award is a game changer! Thank you to the 1600 plus teenagers who voted to see my play, Click To Undo completed and a huge thank you to John and Patricia Azarias, Hayden Tonazzi and Michael Bark for the opportunity and support.

The whole idea of the event is that the power shifts to the audience in a democratic vote. The work has to speak for itself and to the target audience. I love this concept.

Highlight: I met Brendan Hogan! A brilliant playwright for young people. If you haven’t checked out his plays…you better get onto it.

Eve Beck, currently at STC directed the first ten minutes of my play for the event with four stunning actors, Lou McInnes, Saro Lepejian, Mansoor Noor and Jane Phegan.

Sara Green from Scotch College participated from WA with her classes. They looked at the origins of theatre, democracy and the story of James Martin. They then viewed the 3 plays and voted for the one they wanted to see finished. Sara’s name was drawn out of a hat and she won a trip for two to Athens!

Watch the highlights: Martin Lysicrates Highlight's Reel

Mansoor Noor, Lou McInnes and Saro Lepejian.

I love this image above! An audience of young people at Riverside Parramatta in Sydney.

Eve Beck to my right. Director of Click To Undo and no doubt will be one to watch with a bright future ahead. Thanks Eve!
